Hack The Box: Delivery write-up

Introduction Delivery is an easy, Linux box made by Ippsec and hosted on Hack The Box. Hacking Delivery requires little technical knowledge or reliance on tools, which makes it great for beginners. Hacking in requires: Exploiting logic errors;MySQL enumeration; andHashcat. Enumeration Whilst I started this box with my usual AutoRecon and Nmap scans, I actually … Continue reading Hack The Box: Delivery write-up

Hack The Box: Bank write-up

Introduction This is a write-up of the Bank box from Hack The Box. Bank is an easy Linux box, and hacking it requires: Text searching and manipulation;MySQL enumeration; andSUID knowledge. Note before - unfortunately this box also requires some guesswork, or assumed knowledge. This is unfortunate as, despite being ranked as an easy box, it … Continue reading Hack The Box: Bank write-up

Hack The Box: Grandpa write-up

Grandpa is an easy Windows OS box from HackTheBox. Hacking it required exploiting Microsoft IIS and Windows kernel vulnerabilities. Enumeration The first step was running an nmap scan. Figure 1 - nmap output The scan showed only port 80 was open. I initially tried exploiting the COPY header because of my experience with Granny, but … Continue reading Hack The Box: Grandpa write-up